the science behind the pure guard pro

innovative purification technology

The Pure Guard Pro harnesses the power of electrolysis to purify your produce. The device features an anode and a cathode plate, when submerged in water, creates a mild electrical current.

This splits water molecules into hydroxide ions (OH-) and hydrogen ions (H+). When these hydroxyl ions come into contact with pesticides and bacterial cell walls, they disrupt their structure by removing hydrogen ions, breaking them down into non-harmful substances.

At the same time, other hydroxide ions combine with the chlorine present in Australian tap water to form hypochlorous acid (HOCL), a powerful natural disinfectant that further breaks down pesticides and bacteria through oxidation.

The technology ensures an ultimate cleanse of fruits and vegetables at a rate that no other method can achieve, eliminating harmful contaminants while preserving the integrity and nutritional value of the produce.

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