Quick Guide Start

Here is some quick steps to get you started.

Note: At any point while using the Pure Guard Pro, press and hold the power button to shut the device off.

Step 1

Start by adding 3L of water into your collapsible cleaning tub or sink. Use the scale on the tub to fill to the 3L line.

In Australia, we have varying levels of chlorine in our tap water depending on what state you live in. We suggest adding 5g (1 teaspoon) of table salt per litre of water. This ensures that sodium is present to form the chemical reaction needed for a deep cleanse.

Step 2

Add your produce & the Pure Guard Pro into the tub / sink with the water. Ensure that the device is submerged in water.

Note: some produce will float to the top, that is okay as you will stir produce every few minutes.

Step 3

Turn on -

Press the power button once for a mild cleanse (5 minute cycle). The light turns GREEN when running a 5 minute cycle.


Press the power button twice for a deep cleanse (10 minute cycle). The light turns BLUE when running a 10 minute cycle.

Every few minutes, stir the produce to ensure a thorough cleanse.

Step 4

The Device will shut off automatically after the cycle. Let your produce sit in the water for at least 5 minutes to allow the produce fully electrolyse.

Drain the produce and give it a rinse with clean water & enjoy your purified produce or store away.

Remember to give the device a wipe & hang to dry, especially before charging.

How to use the pure guard pro