What Kills Pesticides On Fruit?

What Kills Pesticides On Fruit?

As a parent, nothing is more important than keeping our kids safe and healthy. And when it comes to their diet, fresh fruit is always high on the list. We all want our children to enjoy the benefits of fresh produce, but there’s something that nags at many of us, that right the 'P' word... pesticides. Even in Australia, where farming regulations are strict, pesticides are still widely used, and they don’t just wash off with a quick rinse under the tap.

I remember the first time I really thought about pesticides on fruit. It was when my toddler, who loves raspberries, ate one I’d just rinsed. I felt uneasy. It got me thinking, what actually kills pesticides on fruit? And how can I, as a parent make sure what I’m feeding my son is as safe as possible?

What Exactly Are We Up Against?

First, it’s important to know what pesticides are and why they’re used. Pesticides help farmers keep their crops free from bugs, diseases, and other pests. In Australia, crops like apples, strawberries, and spinach almost always have traces of pesticides, even after they’re washed. The scary part is that these chemicals can cling to the skin of fruits and vegetables, making them hard to remove with a simple rinse.

While Australia’s food safety guidelines ensure pesticide levels are kept within certain limits, repeated exposure over time, especially for little ones, can raise BIG concerns. Research shows that kids are more vulnerable to the effects of pesticides because their bodies & immune systems are still developing. So how do we fight back?

What Actually Works to Remove Pesticides?

if you're like me, you have probably tried the classic home methods, rinsing with water, using vinegar, or even scrubbing with baking soda. But how effective are these really?

  • Rinsing with Tap Water: This is the most common method, but it’s not very effective. Studies show that a quick rinse only removes about 20-30% of pesticide residues. That means a lot of those chemicals are still clinging to the fruit.

  • Vinegar Soak: Some parents swear by soaking fruits in a vinegar solution, but while it’s better than just water, it certainly doesn’t have a removal rate of pesticides close to what can be achieved with other methods plus, It’s also not the most practical option. besides that, i cant stand the smell & taste that gets left behind on the fruit. 

  • Baking Soda: This one’s slightly better. Studies suggest a soak in baking soda can help remove some pesticides, but again, it’s not perfect. Plus, who has time to soak and scrub everything when you’ve got a toddler running around?

The Best Solution? Technology!

This is where things get interesting & easier for us parents. Did you know there’s actually technology designed to kill pesticides on fruit? A fruit and vegetable cleaner that uses electrolysis to break down pesticides and bacteria. Unlike water or vinegar, this device actually removes up to 99.5% of pesticides from produce. It works by creating hypochlorous acid (sounds fancy, I know, but stick with me), which is a natural disinfectant that breaks down those nasty chemicals and bacteria with a removal rate that cannot be achieved with any of those home remedies. 

And here’s what I love as a parent, it’s quick, effective, and I can trust that my son is getting clean, safe produce without worrying about what’s lingering on his fruits.

Check this beauty out: https://pureguardpro.com.au/products/pure-guard-pro-fruit-and-vegetable-cleaner