Why Pesticides Are Harmful

Why Pesticides Are Harmful

In this piece, we’ll cover why they are used in Australia, their regulations, why they’re harmful, and what we can do to limit our exposure.

It’s no secret that Australia is known for its abundance of insects and pests. You only need to spend a few days in the outback to see how challenging this can be. With our rich soil and warmer climate, Australia is ideal growing conditions for much of our household produce. However, to deliver this food to our tables, crops require significant care and protection.

Pesticides in Australia are used as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides in agriculture and are designed to protect crops. These chemicals are effective in killing & controlling insects, weeds, fungi, and even rodents.

Australia enforces regulations and guidelines to ensure that pesticide residues on produce remain within safe limits. Information on pesticide use in Australia is available through the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), which lists over 1,200 approved pesticides. That’s a big number!

Let’s take a closer look at one of these pesticides, 'Glyphosate'. This is one of the most widely used herbicides, not only in Australia but globally. Glyphosate is designed to control weeds, both before planting (on soil) and after planting on crops. Although its use is subject to regulations and monitoring, some countries, such as Germany and France, are moving toward banning glyphosate. Australia, however, has opted for regulated use with established maximum residue limits (MRLs) on food products.

Why consider banning it? This question arises due to emerging evidence and studies worldwide. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organisation (WHO), classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” What a wild statement! This comes from research linking it to non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Other studies indicate that glyphosate may disrupt the endocrine system, potentially affecting reproductive health and development. Further studies have found that prolonged exposure to glyphosate has caused kidney and liver damage in animal studies.

Exposure to children is of particular concern to researchers due to childrens higher exposure potential through environmental contact and the uncertain long-term effects. Exposure may come not only from produce but also from playgrounds, gardens, etc.

Alright, we’ve covered that while pesticides are necessary in agriculture, their residues can cause health risks with prolonged exposure. Understanding this issue is the first step toward making informed decisions about our food. But awareness alone isn’t enough. Knowing how to handle, clean, and select our produce is key to minimising risks.

When it comes to feeding our families safely, choosing reliable methods for cleaning fruits and vegetables is crucial. By taking control and implementing thorough cleaning methods beyond basic rinsing, we can significantly reduce pesticide residues.

Hope you enjoyed that, in next piece we will dive into organic produce and is it worth the making the switch?